Welcome to the Library! Library resources are available online or in person at the Leffel Lane campus. The Clark State Library will help you reach the English 1111 goal about research and writing: Develop knowledge of appropriate writing conventions, including conventions for academic research. This instruction guide is set up with tabs for each section; read the information and watch the short video at each tab. After completing this guide you may use the English 1111 and 1112 resource page, http://lib.clarkstate.edu/english or continue to use the research tools from this guide.
Students need a current student ID barcode number to access online library resources. Please contact the Library to have your barcode sent to your Clark State student email. Contact information is in the box below.
There are many ways to get help with research. Librarians are available to talk with you over the phone or by 24x7 chat. Clark State students can use the libraries at most colleges and universities in Ohio through our OhioLINK partnership. Check the map to find an OhioLINK library near you. Asking a librarian for help is one of the best things you can do when you have a research task to complete.
(937) 328-6022 library@clarkstate.edu 570 E Leffel Lane Springfield Ohio 45501
Hours: Monday-Thursday 8 am to 6:00 pm Friday 8 am to 5 pm
Reference help from a librarian is available 24 hour a day, 7 days a week at the chat box above.
Phone calls enter a voice mail system and responses are by email, 8 am to 5 pm Monday-Friday.