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Appreciation of the Arts (ART 1300): Appreciation of the Arts 1300

This guide will help you as you complete the oral presentation and prepare the final project.

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Reference Tools

The following subject encyclopedias are great places to find overviews on art and architecture,

music and dance, or literature and theatre topics!

REF N 31.D5 1996

The Dictionary of Art

34-volume set with 45,000 entries on artists, art movements, major works, and styles from pre-history to the present, covering both eastern and western art

REF ML 100.N48 1989

The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians

universal in scope, including biographies, terminology, musical styles, countries, instruments

REF ML160.H527 1989

Heritage of Music

another multi-volume set, arranged by era

REF PR 85.B688

British Writers

Organized by time period, offering biographical information

REF PS 21.E537 2004

Oxford Encyclopedia of American Literature

Multi-volume work covering authors, works, and topics


Great Web Sites!

Library of Congress Sources

Timeline Sources

Library Of Congress Call Numbers for Art

Prefer to browse the shelves? Take a look in these sections:

N | Fine Arts

   N | Visual arts

   NA | Architecture

   NB | Sculpture

   NC | Drawing, Design, Illustration

   ND | Painting

   NE | Print media

   NK | Decorative arts

   NX | Arts in general


TR | Photography

Note: Not all books of photographs will be in the TR section. For example, a book of photographs of roses might be cataloged under Roses rather than Photography.

Z Typography

Sources for Listening to Music

Find Articles

Subject-specific databases to search through OhioLINK include


Art & Architecture digital resources

Art Full Text [1984- ]

Saskia Art History Images


Literary Reference Center


International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance

OhioLINK Music Center

The keyword search box below will take you directly to Academic Search Complete

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Journals in the library

American Theatre

   good for contemporary theatre


    includes current material plus articles on past artists


    focuses on graphic design, but with an annual photography issue as well

Professional Photographer

     offers good ideas on visual composition/design


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